Healthy Eating

Eating Together

At Abacus Childcare Settings, we have an experienced chefs who prepare nutritiously healthy meals, including breakfast 8.00-8.30am, mid-morning snack 10am, lunch 11.30am, and a light tea 3.30pm.

All food is prepared and served with due regard for the current government ‘eat well’ and ‘safer food’ guidelines 

See Safer Food Guidelines

We consider meal and snack times an important part of the day. These times present a social experience for children and staff, which helps the children to learn about healthy eating, their needs and those of others and about appropriate social interactions such as sharing and manners.

Children are encouraged to try new foods and widen their tastes and range of healthy foods.

Our nursery chef is proud to serve every child with freshly prepared food from our carefully designed menus. These menus are nutritionally planned, balancing food groups, considering portion sizes, the right balance of salt and sugar intake. We know that your child will enjoy a rich variety of different meals that offer a balance across the right food groups throughout the week.

An alternative meal will be provided for your child if they have a dietary requirement e.g., allergy, intolerance or for religious or family beliefs.


Babies home feeding routines are continued in the nursery, and we work alongside parents to introduce a successful weaning programme. By six months, babies should be physically ready to start eating solid foods. The nursery will provide support for the weaning process, ensuring that every baby is provided with freshly prepared vegetables and fruit.

Dietary requirements

Included in our welcome pack are questions that will identify if a child has any food allergies, or intolerances. At, or prior to settling a member of staff will discuss completed welcome pack forms with parents/carers and this will include how to manage allergies, food allergies or intolerances at the setting. Where necessary, individual, risk assessments will be carried out. All staff are made aware of the child’s needs. Children’s dietary requirements are added to our kitchen dietary requirements/allergy list and staff sign this to say they have been made aware. 


Drinking Water

Your child needs to bring in their own filled water bottles and take them home each day. These should be labelled clearly with the child’s name, and they are encouraged to recognize and locate their own bottle/beaker whenever possible. We will of course refill their bottles as and when needed. In this way fresh drinking water is available to all children constantly throughout the day and staff constantly remind the children to access this.


Water is always provided when the children are going to the park & on trips, and snacks/food as appropriate.

I was a little apprehensive at first sending my one year- old son to nursery for the first time. I had nothing to fear. I can tell how happy he has been after a day spent there with the other babies. I can highly recommend Lullabys.

Food & Drink Provided By Parents/Carers

We do not allow parents to bring in packed lunches or snacks from home. Due to the number of children, we care for in the nurseries who have allergies we would not wish to put their safety at risk. Parents have been very understanding of this point.

However, if parents do have occasion to request, they provide food and drink e.g., a birthday cake for their child to share with their peers, that they follow the rules of the setting, e.g., we will not serve food containing nuts, nut oil, or any food cooked in nut oil on the premises. This is to safeguard anyone suffering from an allergy in line with company policy.


One way we help children to learn about where food comes from is to do lots of growing activities. The children take part in planting, watering, and harvesting a selection of fruit and vegetables, such as strawberries, peas, runner beans, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, and a selection of herbs. Some crops are very successful, and the harvest has supplied snack time, others not so good giving the children opportunity to learn the effect of weather and nature on the growing process. 


Children need a healthy balanced diet containing foods from each food group, so they get a wide range of nutrients to help them stay healthy. What children eat and drink during their early years can affect their health for many years to come. General eating habits are formed in the first few years of life, so it is important to encourage your children to eat nutritious food. We at Abacus Childcare Setting feel that our approach to food and drink in the setting helps children to form healthy habits that will stay with them through their lives.

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